Friday, 20 March 2009

Not a house/home group

As mentioned below, I am keen that we do not fall into a routine so we forget why we are here. The group came together to be experimental. The issue here is that we are a newly formed group with new people coming. We are not in the business of getting bigger but in the business of 'experiment'. So the most natural thing to conclude is that we do something different to what we might think of as normal. However, some of us maybe needing something from God personally before we can be more fully christian (by that I mean more missional). This is very early days for us. In After Mcdonaldization, John Drane ( p102-104) asks us to consider what business we are in. Quoting from The Experience Economy by Pine and Gilmore he draws on the point that we are in the transformation business. He asks us to consider the question, 'What is the product that the church is offering to the world'? The question he poses is how much confidence (faith) do we have in the transformational process? We 'offer it for nothing at the point of delivery'. If we are going to be missional are we in the business of transforming or do we need to be transformed ourselves first? Maybe we just need to be reminded of our transformational relationship with Jesus first? Perhaps this is where we will begin this evening. I want to get out of talking and do some transforming. I wonder what the others think...and yet what we have achieved so far is a safe space to talk about issues that have not been verbalised in a church setting before; where church does not have the recources to listen to people in a confidential space; where these things tgend only to be 'confessed' to the minister and not to one another. Drane goes on later (p113) to quote from Roxborough and Romanuk in The missional Leader. They cite an example where the church leadership was unable to get projects accepted by the congregation because the congregation were full of anxiety (87). 'Until people can put their feelings into words and be heard they are held captive by unarticulated anxiety. Leaders must create a listening space...' We have (I think) the start of a listening space but at this stage I don't know whether this is enough, especially if new people come. I would never deter new people but it means I need to think harder about a wider group of feelings and thoughts, especially if I take Fowler's faith development seriously.

Thursday, 19 March 2009


REVIEW: So now I have a problem. With no formal leadership structure and our arranged speaker not coming, what do we do tomorrow? I'm keen to discover what we think about spirituality. Many people I meet (who are willing to talk meaningfully about church) complain that church is not the place where you meet God. Perhaps we could discuss this. The theological reflection was based on discovering what God is doing in our lives so this also needs to be looked at at some time.
Leaderless leadership is also fine in theory, but there is still a need for someone to gather thoughts and make arrangements. I would like someone else to take the lead sometimes in the group but until we have been together longer this may not happen, but if someone else wanted to take a lead that would be great. With the group at a young age, I don't think we can naturally do that. Yet the point about leaderless ledership seems to be that it engenders a feeling that 'no one is going to judge me' and 'I can't be wrong for feeling the way I do'. This is a rare commodity in the churches in which I have worshipped over the years. It also seems to be a strength for us.
My concern is that this does not become a traditional house group. We need to do things not just talk about them. Interesting though that individuals are starting to see answers to prayer or starting to believe more in prayer as answers to major life traumas are being overcome.

The last meeting

Our last meeting was in a home and we talked about faith. We chose this to talk about because I thought it was the other end of 'fear'. We touched on the issue of prayer and unanswered prayer but we concluded that faith was not about faith in what God does, but in who God is. This was I felt a big issue. It was also an evening of personal reflection. In fact if there has been a running theme it has been that people have been able to say what they think and listen to what other people have to say and reflect carefully and thoughtfully. On this evening, one perosn in particular had much to think about re faith. Having talked about this and raised issues of crises of faith I used the topic at my next preaching engagement. I talked about the difference between faith that is stretched to the limit trying to reconcile faith in our beliefs and what sems to be overwhelming evidence of scientific 'fact'. It was a powerful service and many people thanked me for bringing this issue out 'into the open'.

As for not seeing clearly...a few weeks ago I suggested that we could keep in touch with each other via e mail or a web site but it wasn't well received. Not sure whether thatwas becasue we didn't know each other too well or they just didn't want to do it. I suggested that we could pray at the same time and we could have a particular time each day when we all knew someone else (me if no one else) would be praying. This was not warmly received, however this week it was suggested by someone else that we could do it. We set two times of the day - 8am and 9pm. I suggestged the northumbria community web site and their daily office. I'll find out tomorrow how we have got on with it. This group seem to be very reflective and so things suggested take time to be 'digested'.

My concern though is how does this differ from being a home group to a new experimental type of meeting. I think that it is a mix of those who like church and those who don't which marks it out as well as the openess and reflective nature. At this meeting we had two new people. If they come again I will know that we are still an open group accessable to those outside the group.

At tomorrow's meeting I was hoping to have someone from a muslim sect (Bah'ia) come to talk to us about how they live out thier life, outside formal structures. This was suggested by someone in the group who works with them. So far though finding a time where we can all meet is a real headache and so this will be postponed until a suitable date can be fixed. If we don't use the internet I'm not sure we can overcome this problem, but they want to meet up in person so until we can think of a solution...

Since we last met

Since the last post we have met three times and they have all been in homes. On the first occasion in a home we ended up talking very intimately about the things that have afected us in a personal way - relationships, marriage and death. I don't remember ever having met and discussed with people such intimate details in this context. I did some counselling a few years ago at a Christian festival and the depth of issues we discussed then was similar to our discussions at Trees Walking. What we are doing here seems to be giving ourselves permission to talk about things we don't normally talk about in a church setting. It may be that we are all linked via Christ but disconnected as far as church goes and so feel the freedom to talk. I wondered how anyone new might come in to the group now it has started to settle. Would we be welcoming?

The next meeting was in my home. I tried to avoid meeting in my home, but my fears of being perceived as the leader seem to be unfounded. It was Shrove Tuesday so we had lots of pancakes and talked about a particular word. I called it 'Food around the Word'. It was a good evening and we had about eight people. I put the word 'Fear' in the middle of the table and we talked generally about it. I chose it because scripture exhorts us more than any other command to not fear. This didn't feel as easy as the other meetings we have had, but it is hard to be objective about this. The point was to to start us thinking about why we are fearful - perhaps about our fear of church or doing church elsewhere. It was also in anticipation of talking about faith later. So far people have come and gone and those who had no connection with church have not attended despite my hopes having spoken to them before we started. It gave me a good ijndication about how likely we were to be evangelistic or missional. The group do not seem to be fearful about taling about our faith but we don't want to impose on others' feelings or faith. We feared imposing on other people when they didn't want it. The faith of the group is very personal. Becoming missional will be a challenge.