Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Beckie's question (27 Sept) is a good one - where will it be? The tricky thing here, is that I've no idea yet. What I want to do is to see if we can look at leadership differently for this experiment. Consequently, it's the people who will decide where and when we meet...exciting! If I had my way, I'd like to meet in Starbucks, but only because it sets the scene. They enculturate this idea of the 'The Way I See It' and it's on their paper cups. I want us to discover and share the way we see God and what he might be calling us to rather than me dictate my own ideas. I'll post my aims later for the experiment, but for now I'm trying to hold this very loosely.

The advert is also going into the local village magazine which is widely read. I still think I won't get anyone like this, but I'll give it a go. I'll start to ask people directly from now on.

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