Saturday, 10 May 2008

When starting out on a venture like this, it's hard to know where to begin. I'm torn between being as radical as possible -almost to the point of being labelled heretical - and erring on the side of conformity and respectability. In truth this will only work so long as everyone (and I've no idea who they might be as yet) are involved. I came across a blog today that got me thinking about the margins of the Bible stories - where Jesus met people but we aren't told much (if anything) about them. It seems that something monumental happens to people as they meet Jesus, but we are not told about it in the Bible accounts. That seems very exciting; events that heppen behind a veil. Seeing through the veil isn't enough: it feels that we have been doing that for too long. It's time to sit with Jesus, not view him from a distance.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

I've been struck recently by how wrong I can be. I think I can see the problem (and the solution) only to find I'm not seeing it at all. There's a passage in the Bible (Mark chapter 8) where Jesus heals a blind man. He asks him, 'what do you see?' The man replies, 'I see trees walking'. In fact he is seeing people but his vision is so blurred he thinks he is seeing trees. I'm just like that!

This site is dedicated to seeing life more clearly and to have a better understanding of what a church might look like in 2008/9. My aim is find some people around the Holmfirth area, near Huddersfield, who are too busy to go to church on a Sunday morning yet who still want to discover who Jesus is and what God wants to do with them. If you're interested please let me know. The blog will be a theological reflection on that journey and as I said, I'm not too good at seeing things as clearly as I'd like. If you have any comments please add them - positive or negative - you can't be wrong. You can only help me to see something from a different angle.